Friday, April 08, 2011

Round Two

We are back in the NICU, as of yesterday afternoon. Braxton's feedings had been declining (not that they were good to begin with), and then he started throwing up his milk. We took him to the pediatrician to be on the safe side, and they sent us straight back to the hospital.

Braxton's abdomen was huge and red, indicating serious problems with his bowels. Tests revealed he has a colon disease (I still need to look up the name) and will need surgery to remove part of his colon. But first he needs to fight off infection and get stronger. So we are anticipating a week here at the hospital, followed by 4-5 weeks at home to build strength before surgery.

Our family has once again stepped up to help us out, and our kids are on their way to Seattle as I type this. They will be gone for about ten days, which will be hard on us all, but we feel it's the best solution for now.

Thank you all for your heartfelt support.

Praising Him in this storm...


spoonerbyrd said...

Praising Him with you! We love you!!!

Renee said...

Praying for you all and for healing for your sweet boy.

May Jesus hold you near!