Friday, May 26, 2006

Changing hearts

It is so fun to see God work in the way of moving people. Yesterday I forwarded Brian the email from our agency director about the sibling sets, and I didn't include any comments or anything. He replied to the email saying something like "that is nice for someone but they are too old for us".

When Brian got home from work last night, and after he had a few bites of food in him, I brought up the question, "How about US?". He flat-out said "NO". He just didn't feel comfortable changing Emma's birth order.

Now, I had been praying about these kids all day, and asking God to work in our hearts if we were to consider adopting them. Brian and I continued to discuss this throughout the evening, and I know the Lord was giving me the words to say, because by the time we went to bed Brian was asking if he should call our social worker about updating our home study, or if I should!

Now, I don't want this to sound like we have made a decision and we are adopting these kids. What this does mean is that Brian and I are both on board with looking into it further. There is a lot that would have to happen for this to work out.

First of all, we have to find out if we can even make an "addendum" to our Dossier, which is already in Ethiopia, specifically waiting for infants under 24 months. Then, we would have to see if our social worker would even "approve" us for an older child, and be able to update our home study quickly. Then of course there is all sorts of government stuff that we might have to re-do, which I don't even want to think about right now. Oh yeah, and we know NOTHING about these kids. We would still have to see a report on them, pray about it some more, talk to our pediatrician, etc.

These may not turn out to be our kids. But God is changing us, and that may be all He is looking for...A willing heart.


shell said...

I have followed your blog for a while. I have a huge smile on my face, just thinking about how FUN god is and how he is always one step ahead. I cannot wait to hear what happens! I will be praying for peace on your hearts. And my thought on birth order, they are so young, they will never remember. :) But then again, I have never studied it or written a book on it. But I think God is bigger than birth order. :)
Cant wait to hear!

Renee said...


That is SO exciting! Two of our children came from posts by Merrily looking for families for specific children. So, I understand the pull you are feeling right now.

I will pray God's will be done for your family.

I think paperwise you would need to submit an updated homestudy to AAI and to your BCIS office. it's not really too much extra work.

Look forward to hearing more!


Anonymous said...

Brian, Shana and Emma,
We will be praying for you guys as you make this decision. We know there are many things to think about: What is best for you as individuals (raising not only children from a different cultrure but of such an age gap), as a couple, Emma and for each child you choose to adopt. I know you guys are anxious to bring more children into your home to love but also know you will take your time with these big decisions and think out every possible outcome, wiegh the pros and cons, etc.
It must be hard to hear about all the children out there and wanting to help all of them.

I'm so happy that you all are so devoted and trusting in the Lord and will have your hearts open to
Him in this and all of your decisions.

Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

I too have my paperwork in Addis and I am patiently waiting for a referal. Sounds like we may be at the same agency too! I recently inquired about changing our paperwork to include older children, and we would just need an addendum to our homestudy, and have it refiled. Doesn't sound too bad, but we are making a huge decision here.
Good Luck to you! I really hope you have good news soon!