Friday, November 20, 2009


Blog: "Hello, Shana. I'm blog. Your blog.
Me: "I have a blog?"

So I'm a little bit lame on my blogging lately. I blame it on Facebook. (Isn't that the going excuse lately?) Or maybe I blame it on my out-of-hard-drive-space-computer that takes For.Ev.Er to even delete an email. Either way, it has nothing to do with me. Really.

So just a quick recap. A couple of weeks ago Emma turned six. SIX. I'm not even going to go down the whole "how did this happen" road. I've come to realize I will just never understand it. We went ice skating for her birthday, and it was great fun. Maybe I'll post pictures before Twenty-Ten.

We almost had a big change with Brian's job. But we didn't. But life was on pause for a while. And now we're back to "play". Which means we are back to making plans for the holidays, plans with friends and family, and we couldn't be more excited. In fact, Brian is at the airport right now picking up some out-of-state weekend visitors. We love visitors!

Next week is Thanksgiving, and we will be spending it with friends. And just today we found out we will have out-of-town family here for Christmas. Yippie!

And now, I'm going to brush my teeth and see-how-many-more-hyphens-I-can-use-before-Brian and our company arrives. Ack. I just couldn't do it!

1 comment:

spoonerbyrd said...

We love your posts, we'll keep waiting for more.