Sunday, February 10, 2008

One Month old

Sweet little Noah is one month old today! I can't believe it has already been a month since Brian and I took that drive to the hospital at 4:30 in the morning. So to mark the occasion, we again found ourselves on the way to the hospital at 4:30 this morning, only this time we were taking Noah to the ER. He caught Isaiah's cold a few days ago and has been extremely congested, not sleeping very well at night. We were told to keep an eye on his temperature and to take him in immediately if he reached 100.4 or higher. Plus our friend's son who is one day younger than Noah was admitted yesterday with RSV, so we were extra cautious. So we didn't hesitate at all when Noah's temp was exactly 100.4 and we rushed him right in.

Thankfully Noah's oxygen level looked good and his chest x-ray was clear, so we were sent home to wait for the lab results. We found out he does have RSV, but there's nothing we can do other than try to keep him comfortable and his nose clear. We will be stuck home for a while as RSV is highly contagious.

So this isn't how we expected to mark the one-month milestone, however we are still enjoying every single minute with this sweet baby. He is such a good baby who loves to cuddle and rarely cries except when he's hungry. We are so blessed by God to have this sweet little gift.


I would have posted a new picture of Noah but our main computer is also under the weather. It seems we have contracted a nasty virus and to prevent from losing all our files (mostly pictures) we have disconnected from the internet. By the way, if you receive an inappropriate email from us, please know it is the computer and not us. :)

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