Monday, July 16, 2007

Updates coming soon

I have lots to blog about, and lots of pictures to share. But right now I am screamingly busy. Today is our final post-placement visit with our social worker, and our house is an obscene mess. We have also given ourselves a deadline of today to figure out who will be traveling to Ethiopia. Brian and I are so incredibly torn for so many reasons, and are really praying hard about this one. Wednesday is court (yeah!) so I am naturally a bit nervous about that. We are also dealing with some unnecessary immigration issues for Benjamin - as if we needed something else to do. It is possible that we are leaving for Ethiopia in LESS than THREE weeks, yet we still don't know. Gotta love adoption travel.

More soon.


Renee said...


I understand about the travel. Jim will be going to Ghana. I wish it could be both of us, but I just can't leave the babies.

I love following your journey. it is truly inspiring :o)

Stacie said...

Thinking of you and praying for a successful court date!! (I couldn't forget yours b/c ours is the same :)