Monday, July 09, 2007

Court Date!

Is July 18. That's next Wednesday! This should very easily put us traveling some time in August. Holy cow! So much excitement! So much to do! Please join us in praying that everything will go smoothly in court.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! That's such exciting news! I'm very happy for you. Let me know if I can do anything to help. [:-)


shell said...

HOW EXCITING!!!!! i wish i lived closer and i could do something to help you prepare!

Stacie said...

How wonderful, and that's our court date too! I will certainly be saying prayers for a successful court date for your family! :)

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog on swerl, started from the beginning, laughed and cried with you on your journey. God's faithfulness to your family is such an encouragement to me! My husband and I are "waiting" ...