Friday, August 22, 2008

Home remedies?

Marie is currently bouncing on an exercise ball. We read that someone did it for 20 minutes and went into labor, and right now we're (you know, this is a group effort) willing to try anything. It's actually quite funny as Todd and I sit on the couch, watching and laughing as Marie bobs up and down.

It's now time for me to start thinking about whether I can/should extend my trip by a few days. I really would hate to come all this way and not get to meet my sweet nephew, but I also believe it's all in God's hands so I have peace about it. Todd wonders if I will have any friends or husband left at home if I stay much longer.


spoonerbyrd said...

Go, Marie, Go! And how is it that you look so great? I thought you were about to have a baby? What's with the skinny and tan legs? So not fair!

Anonymous said...

Kids and I are having lost of fun, so if you have/want to stay longer that is fine with me.

Love hubby