Friday, December 21, 2007

Holiday Season Updates


Emma pours water on his head (he actually likes it!)

Brian's "15 minutes"

This has been a busy month, and an even busier week for us. I don't think I have mentioned that Brian took a part-time, seasonal job at Pottery Barn during the holidays, so he has been working all but one night this week. It's hard on us all to have him gone so much, but we're managing fine and everyone sees the value in getting 40% off at Mom's favorite store.

This is also, of course, one of the busiest seasons at any church, so I am putting in some extra hours working and trying to do my part (although with three kids sometimes I feel like I am more help if I just stay home:)

We've had three Christmas parties to attend so far this week, including one at our house last night that lasted until past midnight, mostly thanks to the ever-entertaining "Rock Band" or whatever-it's-called video game. We had an extra TV set up in the living room along with the guitar, drums and microphone. For one night Brian was finally the Rock Star he's always felt that he was.

Biniam is officially on winter break, and officially with a broken arm. He came home Tuesday complaining that his elbow hurt from falling in gym, but since he could move his arm and there wasn't any swelling, I brushed it off and told him to ice it. Then he didn't mention it much until today when he came home from school, barely able to move his arm and with his elbow completely swollen. So he's in a splint and will likely get a cast after Christmas for six weeks. It didn't even dawn on me that I should feel guilty about anything until the Doc told me "don't be too hard on yourself for not taking him in sooner, I've even seen Doctors do the same thing". Great. Now I'm being hard on myself. But honestly, if I went to the Dr. every time one of my kids fell down I'd never see my house.

Tonight the kids and I finally decorated our gingerbread house. It was sort of fun. I feel like I started the month off full of holiday spirit and pomp but things have been slowly dwindling. Maybe it's because Brian's not around. Or maybe because I'm as big as a house and have just run out of steam. But I am enjoying this season, and even more so I hope my kids are.

Quote from Emma as she just walked in, licking her lips after eating her ginger bread man: "mmm, that was delicious sugar!"

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