For lunch, Emma and I met up with Grandma and Grandpa at a restaurant downtown. Then for dinner, Brian, Emma and I ate at the mall. The big event of the day though, was taking Emma to Build a Bear to create her own, new teddy bear. You see, for at least two months, whenever anyone would ask Emma what she wants for her birthday, she would reply with "a new teddy bear!". So, we figured this would be a great way to top off her big day.

Watching the new bear get stuffed.

Placing the bear's heart inside.

Selecting just the right outfit.

Finished product!
This is from Uncle Anthony... "Happy Birthday Emma!!"
A present and card is on the way. I am sorry I did not get it out sooner. I have had the flu all week.
Take care Brian (brother) and Shania. I am anxious to meet you new addition to the family!
Uh, she kind of named the bear "Care", but mostly just calls it "Bear". Pretty creative.
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