Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter 2012

We were so blessed to have family in town with us for Easter this year.  We just love having visitors!  Especially when we put them to work.  Ha!

Here is Aunt Lisa giving us a hand on digging our trampoline hole.

And here is Uncle Evan being helpful.  I think.

Putting the final touches on the new (used) play set.

Uncle Evan hard at work, while the rest of us play.

The kids enjoying the inaugural swing.

A quick break to color Easter eggs.  On that note, does anyone have any idea what eggs have to do with Easter?

We even went roller skating!  I hadn't been to a rink since I was in my teens.  I am happy to say that this girl's still got it!  Unfortunately, my camera battery died before I got any more pictures.  Also unfortunately, Blogger prefers this photo sideways.

We took our cousins back to our favorite park.  Uncle Evan is scouring the face, and pondering life's deepest moments.

Look!  We made it!  Or, look!  Blogger still prefers sideways pictures!  (WTH, Blogger?)

We also took a trip to the local old-fashioned candy shop.

That place is such a blast!

Also, because I cannot tell a lie...I brushed out my wrinkles in this photo.  I guess I wouldn't have really been lying if I just hadn't said anything.  But I needed to get that off my chest.

The cousins all looked so cute at church.  The girls had similar dresses, then I made matching bow ties for the boys.

The "hunt" after church.  Boy, I hope the kids can find all those hiding eggs!  Maybe we should just call it what it really Egg Grab.

My handsome nephews.

As we were preparing for Easter brunch, we started cracking into the kids' dyed eggs to make deviled eggs (yum!).  When Noah saw what was happening, he lost it.  I finally convinced him that we could take a picture to remember his eggs by, which worked, for a moment, until he decided again that we could not use his eggs.

Brunch was yummy and bittersweet, as our guests had to leave right after.  Poor Emma cried for quite some time.

Our annual backyard egg hunt lifted the kids' spirits, although Noah started coming down with an ear infection.  What is it with us getting sick right as company leaves?

Happy (belated) Easter, everyone!  We hope you remembered the True Reason for the day, and enjoyed time with family.


Mama of 5 said...

Here's a good explanation of Easter Eggs from Wikipedia.


Anonymous said...

We spent Easter weekend with Charlene and Tony..
Glad you had fun with the kids, thanks for the pictures.
Anthony snd Cindy

capsiplex review said...

We even went roller skating! I hadn't been to a rink since I was in my teens. I am happy to say that this girl's still got it

health product reviews said...

We took our cousins back to our favorite park. Uncle Evan is scouring the face, and pondering life's deepest moments.

hgh injections said...

Brunch was yummy and bittersweet, as our guests had to leave right after. Poor Emma cried for quite some time.